This is your weekly update for Thursday, May 7th. Please pray for Ray Coombes who remains hospitalized in Indianapolis. Pray also for Sonnee Thiel’s fiancée, Raj, who is recovering in St. Louis, for Martha Stephen who is scheduled to come home from the nursing home in a few weeks, for Bob Martin who is recuperating …
Tag: video
Weekly FCC Update for April 30
This is your weekly update for Thursday, April 30th. Please continue to pray for Ray Coombes who remains hospitalized in Indianapolis and for Sue Bennett who has an upcoming surgery. Sympathies go to Pastor John Snidle and family in the loss of his great grandfather. Offering for the week was $5,383. There is still one …
Sunday Worship Services To Be Live Streamed
If you received last night’s auto call you are aware that beginning this Sunday, April 19th, FCC will be live streaming worship services to YouTube. A “live stream” is like a live TV program, like the evening news. That means that in addition to broadcasting the Sunday services to 91.1FM, we will also be video …
Video Gathering for Prayer and Fellowship
On Sunday morning, March 29th Rev. Mark and elder Kim Woods will host a video gathering with prayer, hymns and communion. Participants will be invited to share prayer concerns. There will also be time for fellowship at the end for those who want to check in with each other. This gathering will take place at …
Aerial Video of FCC
We have all heard the musical chimes coming from the bell tower at FCC. But, have you heard and SEEN those hourly performances from this perspective? This video was published to YouTube on August 25th. The videographer is Brian Walker who used a drone to film this piece. You can access it here or …
Our summer Sunday School schedule includes: May 27 – regular Sunday School classes for all ages at 9:00 AM June 3 – no S.S. classes due to Indoor/Outdoor Day June 10 – Sunday School Appreciation Breakfast for all teachers and classes at 9:00 AM June 17 – begins Video Series with …
FCC is having special “Summer Sunday School” classes! Starting Sunday, July 2, we will offer 3 different video series to choose from: 1) Mary K. Bradford will lead, “If You Want to Walk on Water, You Have to Get Out of the Boat”; 2) Greg Terry will share, “Surprised by Hope”; 3) Rev. Mike Dixon …