Frequently Asked Questions
Many questions get asked by visitors to the church, newcomers in town, and friends and neighbors of our members. We have compiled these into the Top Ten Questions about the church.
How do I become a Christian and a member of the church?
You become a Christian by believing in Jesus Christ as God’s Son and your Lord, and by publicly acknowledging that; you become a Disciple by being a Christian and baptized. We’ll be glad to help with both!
For more answers or information, please visit or contact us today!
Address: 201 South Main Street, Paris IL 61944
Phone: 217-466-3255
What time is your Sunday worship service?
We meet with God each Sunday morning. Sometimes, we do different things, but there is always time for each other – and for God.
What are worship services like?
We do lots of different things during worship services, so it’s not too boring … but in a regular order, so it’s familiar.
- We make announcements and talk about people in need
- We sing and listen to good music
- We pray with God
- We read the Bible and think about it during the sermon
- We give money for God’s work
- We take communion to get close to God
We shake hands and talk to each other, too.
Must I “dress-up” to attend worship?
No, it is not required or even expected. Many do wear their best to meet God, but we accept everyone, and their slacks, jeans, or sneakers!
Who goes to your church?
People who are young and old, male and female, black and white, in town and from the country. Many are long-time members, others are new and visiting. There are Christians from other churches, people who have grown up as Disciples and some not-yet-Christians. People here are married, single, divorced, widowed, professionals, workers, retired, babies, teenagers, newlywed and seniors. Quite a mix!
Who are the Disciples of Christ?
We belong to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), a denomination almost 1 million members. We believe in taking communion – each worship, and in baptism – by immersion (all the way under the water). We give members the freedom to think for themselves and to get involved; we believe in working with all other Christians; we make our own decisions – about money, ministers, programs and about following Christ.
Can I take Communion and pray “The Lord’s Prayer”?
We print the words of the prayer so everyone can pray together, and the communion is open to all believers in Jesus Christ. We offer it to all Christians, no matter what your background, attendance, or membership.
We normally eat the little communion loaf as soon as it is passed, but hold the communion cup so we all can drink together.
Where do I park?
On Sundays parking is available in our spaces behind the building, by the library, across Main Street at the old gas station and lot, north across Washington Street in the parking lot, by City Hall, and of course on the street.
Where are the restrooms?
When you get in the building, you can find restrooms by following the hallway or going through the parlor. Restrooms are also downstairs just off the Fellowship Hall, as well as upstairs. All are marked by signs (just in case!).
Is there handicapped accessibility?
Yes, there is designated handicapped parking available with permanent spaces in front of the entryway on Washington Street, as well as temporary spaces on Sundays.
Along Main Street is a ramp, which opens into the sanctuary and in the new entryway is an elevator with access to all floors.
The main level restrooms are accessible to all, and the floor is barrier-free.
Is there a nursery?
Yes, we have a staffed and equipped Nursery with a separate Crib Room for those who need quiet or changed – available during 9:00 AM worship and Sunday School time.
Our worship service offers a Children’s sermon – after which children ages 4-6 are invited to Children’s Church where they have their own lesson, prayer, and activities.
What extra programs do your offer?
In addition to Sunday worship …
- We have special holiday worship services
- We have Sunday School classes for all ages and stages
- We have a women’s organization and a men’s group
- We have a midweek children’s ministry and youth group
- We have a senior citizen group, as well as a Bible Study class.
- We have choirs, committees, classes, videos, parties, and prayer chains/vigils
- We cooperate with community ministries
- We also give books to 1stgraders, math cards to 3rd graders
- We give shoes, coats, and school supplies to school kids
- We celebrate our church’s work during our “Christmas in July” emphasis
… and many more opportunities for involvement!