Our Involvement
God has given much and we are responsible for using all that we have – whether it’s time or talents/abilities or money.
First Christian Church is very involved in the Paris community, from financial support to personal involvement. Activities include:
- Compassionate Food Ministry
- Compassionate Clothing Closet
- Paris Area Church Women
In addition, the Community Outreach Committee leads us into the community with our local projects:
Prayer Room
(Every Day)
A private place for quiet, peaceful prayer and renewal. Open 24 hours (if there are no problems). A “quiet” service.
Elementary School Supplies
Commitment to help our elementary schools with additional supplies for the 2nd half of the year. To be background support.
First Grade Books
Visits to each 1st grade classroom to give a reading book to each student. To encourage reading and support our schools.
“Lunch On the Lawn” (LOL)
Cooperative effort with Paris Cooperative High School as well as the Bridges alternative school. It started with an invitation to PHS to come to the church for lunch and it continued for 12 years – once in the fall, and again in the spring. It is now transitioning to the new high school campus with an invitation from PHS to continue out there. To develop relationships and build a foundation for future ministry.
Compassionate Clothing Closet
Ongoing effort to recommend and support the ministry, specifically in the summer when we sponsor a clothing drive and staff the Pantry. To help the ecumenical effort.
“Back-To-School Shoes”
Certificates are provided to families in need to go to Wal-Mart for an appropriate pair of shoes before school begins. To help families at an “expensive time” of life.
Vacation Bible School
A community service to kids and families in a fun, age-appropriate, welcoming way as part of a big group. To teach and grow our children.
School Supplies for Backpacks
Supporting ERBA with the community effort to provide backpacks of supplies to start school. Use of monies and volunteers to help shop. To assist the agency and families.
Third Grade Flashcards
Visits to each 3rd grade classroom to give a set of multiplication cards to all students. To promote math skills and assist our schools.
“Sock It To Me” Sock Project
Providing children’s socks, both fun and plain, to Head Start for use of the children and families enrolled. To help families with a basic need.
“Christmas Around the Square”
Participation in the community gathering with the “S’more Station,” a build-your-own service with materials to hand out. To support Paris and reach out.
(All Year)
An effort to get involved with a local elementary school to provide assistance, encouragement, prayer. To be further developed.
Emergency Room Bags
(All Year)
An effort by CWF (Christian Women’s Fellowship) to provide 20 homemade cloth bags with fun supplies each month for children to the local emergency room. To be a means of love & encouragement.
Food Pantry
(All Year, plus February, September)
Ongoing ministry with regular food donations & dollar support, plus special efforts/drives & volunteers.
Ministerial Fellowship / Ecumenical Efforts
(All Year)
Our minister and First Christian Church lead and are involved in the wider religious work. To represent Christ.
Building Resource
(As Needed)
A place for scout groups, drama dinners, concerts, and other needs from our schools and organizations. To make use of the facility and serve others.
“Caps for Newborns”
(As Needed)
An effort by the “Knitters for Christ” group to make & provide homemade caps for the premature newborns at a nearby hospital. To reach out & support.
“Prayer Shawls”
(As Needed)
An effort by the “Knitters for Christ” group to make & give homemade shawls to those in treatment & others. To encourage & pray for others.
Member Involvement
We encourage members to get involved in the clubs, boards, and organizations of the community. To be Christ in culture.