This is your weekly update for Thursday, April 30th.
Please continue to pray for Ray Coombes who remains hospitalized in Indianapolis and for Sue Bennett who has an upcoming surgery.
Sympathies go to Pastor John Snidle and family in the loss of his great grandfather.
Offering for the week was $5,383.
There is still one $500 scholarship available for any FCC member who will be attending an institution of higher education this fall. Information and the application form are available at the FCC website in the blog section and under the YOUTH! Menu or by clicking HERE.
An abbreviated digital version of the Messenger is available online at the FCC website on Fridays. Rest assured this is temporary. The weekly Messenger will eventually resume being mailed to your home but not until a time when it is safe for us together to label and fold the printed version.
We need your help. In the process of updating the office computer, the list of those who were receiving The Messenger by email was lost. If you were receiving The Messenger by email prior to the quarantine AND you would like to continue to do so, please do the following: Go to the church website, click on “The Messenger” menu, and fill out the short form. If you were receiving The Messenger via postal mail before the quarantine, do not fill out the form. You will continue to receive it that way once the stay-at-home order is lifted.
Joe and Evie Gill wish to thank our FCC family for the prayers, cards and support in the passing of his sister.
Our Sunday worship service will continue as before at 9:00 AM. Join us live on FM 91.1 or live stream via Bulletins are also available on the homepage of the website under the slideshow if you’d like to follow along.
Remember to click on the subscribe button on the bottom of this screen to stay informed.