From the Desk of Pastor John

Small groups are happening! I personally have been to two out of the four groups, and they both have gone great; and from what I hear about the ones I haven’t been a part of yet, they’re going great too. We are all thrilled that it’s going so well. Keep it up! If you didn’t sign up and would like to, talk to either Pastor John or Pastor Jamie and we will plug you in.

See you at pole was Wednesday the 22nd, and it was a smashing success! Had a good turnout, almost all youth groups were present, and we shared some wonderful prayers together. Remember, just because a lot of things have changed, doesn’t mean life still won’t happen.

VBS is over and done! We didn’t have a great turn out this year, but we still did it and those that did participate enjoyed it very much! Pictures have been uploaded to the church website, just click on VBS under the YOUTH tab.

Youth Group is on! Every Sunday from 6-8; be there! Right now we are going over 1 Timothy 4:12 and talking about how to be a godly example for others.

God’s Gang and Crossroads have met more than twice now, and it has been a great time for everyone! The schedule and our normal routines have been adjusted for Coronavirus concerns, but we are nonetheless having great fellowship, worship, and food!

I would like to personally thank everyone who have stepped up this year to make God’s Gang and Crossroads happen this year despite the hoops and other nonsense we have had to face. Without all of our volunteers, there’s no way this could happen. So, thank you volunteers for your service, parents for your cooperation, and children for your hearts full of love!

UPCOMING EVENTS – The Coffee Bar is every Sunday from 9-10. We have no shortage of youth to work behind the table and serve us our coffee, but we are in need of people to bring treats for everyone! Please sign up at the front desk if you would like to help out.

Our next upcoming event is a new event we’re trying called “SYP” or Service Youth Projects. We will meet together and go around town to church members houses, city approved locations, or anywhere else we can find and serve anyway we can! This will be on October 24th. If you have anything that you would like help with from the youth group, let Pastor John know!

Thank You’s

Thank you, Riley Snidle and Jamilee Kent for reading the scripture on Sunday mornings.

Thank you, everyone who attended and participated in See You at the Pole, for making it an excellent event

John Snidle, FCC Youth Pastor
September 30, 2020

FCC Youth Facebook Page