Church Camps Are Coming Up

In case you haven’t noticed yet, things are going back to normal! We have acolytes, children’s church, and Sunday School for all ages. The only problem is, these things are often empty; we must ask kids that aren’t signed up to fill in to light the candles, our children sermons are smaller than they used to be, and children’s Sunday School sometimes doesn’t even happen! So, if you have young children, please come back to church so we can participate together.

Reminder: If you enjoy having some treats to snack on during Sunday School, please contribute by signing up to bring some snacks of your own!

The Baccalaureate was a huge success. Full pews, tasty snacks, under an hour, and, most importantly, God was praised! Thank you so much PMF for choosing our church as the location this year, we were thrilled to host; and thank you everyone who served in any capacity and made it possible! I am very proud of my church family.

Youth Group

Youth Group is every Sunday from 6-8 in the church basement. We play games, have snacks, and are taking a broad look at the Bible and looking at each book of the Bible, week-by-week. Join us! Invite your friends! If you are a church member as a youth, I look forward to seeing you at Youth Group!

Upcoming Events

Mark June 12th on your calendars for the Shriner’s parade. We will be walking and handing our popsicles; don’t miss it!

Church camps are the next big upcoming thing! It sounds crazy to say, but the first is only a month away. High School camp is June 23-27, and Jr High is July 18-23. I will be at both; hope to see you there!

VBS for FCC is about as late in the summer as we can make it, but that doesn’t mean we’re not going to start preparing! The dates will be August 2-6 from 9am to 11:45 am. Registration will be open soon, both on our website and in person at the church. If you are a leader for VBS, please come in to John’s office to grab your resources and materials to start preparing!

Thank You’s

Thank you, Abby Sanders and Ethan Smittkamp, for reading our scriptures on Sunday morning.
Thank you, Taylor Cooper, for serving us our coffee during Sunday School.
Thank you, Carol Marlowe and Barbara Dick, for providing us with delicious treats for Coffee Bar.

John Snidle, FCC Youth Pastor
May 26, 2021

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