Reminder: If you enjoy having some treats to snack on during Sunday School, please contribute by signing up to bring some snacks of your own! It is provided entirely from volunteers, so we appreciate every contribution. This is a simple way to provide and serve for our church family, so if you are looking for a way to give, please sign up.
Youth Group / Crossroads / God’s Gang
Youth Group is every Sunday from 6-8 in the church basement. We play games, have snacks, and are taking a broad look at the Bible and looking at each book of the Bible, week-by-week. Join us! Invite your friends! If you are a church member as a youth, I look forward to seeing you at Youth Group!
God’s Gang and Crossroads are done; we will meet again next fall! In the meantime, all Jr High students are welcomed to come to youth group! We will be having lots of fun activities and hang outs over the summer.
Upcoming Events
We have exciting news: on May 18th, we will be hosting the High School’s Baccalaureate! It will be at 7 pm in the sanctuary with refreshments downstairs. We will be asking people to volunteer to help serve the refreshments, so be on the lookout for that, and pray that it goes well.
Church camps are the next big upcoming thing! It sounds crazy to say, but the first is only a month away. High School camp is June 23-27, and Jr High is July 18-23. I will be at both; hope to see you there!
If you haven’t signed up your child yet, it is very likely that they are full and not accepting any more registrations. HOWEVER, I know they have lots of cancelations so they will put you on a waiting list if it says they’re full, so register no matter what it says, it can’t hurt!
VBS for FCC is about as far away as we can make it, but that doesn’t mean we’re not going to start preparing! The dates will be August 2-6 from 9am to 11:45 am. Registration will be open soon, both on our website and in person at the church.
If you are a leader for VBS, please come in to John’s office to grab your resources and materials to start preparing!
Thank You’s
Thank you, Graham Templeton, for reading our scriptures on Sunday morning.
Thank you, Lily Smittkamp and Graham Templeton, for serving us our coffee during Sunday School.
Thank you, Cindy Robinson, for providing us with delicious treats for Coffee Bar.
John Snidle, FCC Youth Pastor
May 12, 2021