Christmas Came Early This Year

Monday, December 7, 2020
by John Gibson

Martha and I have an adult son, Mark, who has been single for over ten years, living by himself. I had prayed off and on for about six of those years that he might find a helpmate. Then I started to pray consistently for the past four years, (as per Rev. Mike’s sermon, October 13, 2004 from Luke 18:1-8) my persistence has born fruit.

Quite unlike me, I asked a young lady who regularly sat in my general area in the sanctuary if she would care to meet my son. This was about May 1st, and quite surprisingly to me, she agreed!

I introduced them on May 29th at a reception for high school graduates. They hit it off from the moment they met. They are now engaged and planning a spring wedding.

As for me, Christmas arrived early this year. The power of prayer cannot be underestimated.


“Ask, and it will be given to you…” ~  Matthew 7:7