Sunday, May 20, is Pentecost! Pentecost is fifty days after and celebrated on the seventh Sunday following Easter. The root word “pente” means five, and was eventually expanded to be “pentecost” – the 50th day. It was originally the Jewish Feast of Weeks, a harvest festival that was celebrated 50 days after Passover. For Christians …
Tag: Pentecost
Sunday, June 4, will be our annual Indoor-Outdoor Sunday (weather permitting). We will have our regular 8:00 AM service in the sanctuary, then dismiss Sunday School classes to prepare for our outdoor service at the East Lake Pavilion at Twin Lakes Park at 10:00 AM.This Sunday will also fall on Pentecost, so you are invited …
The Pentecost Offering is one of the six Special Offerings we support each year. This offering helps plant, support, and develop new churches. The theme this year is, “A Second Wind,” as we seek the vitality of the Holy Spirit to continue our witness for God both locally and around the country. The FCC goal …
This Sunday, May 15, is Pentecost Sunday! Join us for either the 8:00 or 10:00 AM service. Be sure to wear RED, the color of Pentecost as we celebrate God as the Holy Spirit and learn how to receive His help. Come find out why there are fire extinguishers in the sanctuary!?! Wear RED! Sunday …