From the Desk of Pastor John

I am abusing my power as a church minister to remind you to wish my beautiful wife Riley Snidle a Happy Birthday on April 16th! Facebook message, texting, or in-person on Sunday would all be approved. Thanks bunches.

Youth Group / Crossroads / God’s Gang

Youth Group is every Sunday from 6-8 in the church basement. We play games, have snacks, and are taking a broad look at the Bible and looking at each book of the Bible, week-by-week. Join us! Invite your friends! If you are a church member as a youth, I really hope to see you at Youth Group!

God’s Gang and Crossroads are still going strong; however, if you can believe it, we’re almost done! It feels like we just started and have a lot more fun weeks to share.

Upcoming Events

Summer will be here before we know it! Therefore, I need to remind you to sign up for Church camp! Several camps are already full, so if your Jr. High or High School student would like to attend Camp Illiana (which I highly recommend they do!), head to their website and register. I will be attending High School camp on June 23-27, and Middle School 4 on July 18-23; I hope to see all of our students there with me.

When you check out, enter the code FCCPARISPAYSHALF, and half of the cost will be automatically billed to the church to save everyone some hassle.

Thank You’s

Thank you, Cindy Robinson, for providing us with delicious treats for Coffee Bar.
Thank you, Ari Metcalf, for serving us our coffee during Sunday School.

John Snidle, FCC Youth Pastor
April 14, 2021

God’s Gang & Crossroads Facebook Page