
FCC Youth went to Believe this last weekend (April 7-8) and I can tell you for sure that we had too much fun and grew way too close to God! Okay I’m kidding; obviously you can’t have too much fun or become too close to God. However, we had a lot of fun and really learned a lot about God.

If you don’t know, Believe is a high-energy weekend event designed specifically for Jr. high students only. It is packed with powerful worship and teaching from God’s Word! Believe is your chance to be exactly who you are – to play, listen and learn as yourself; and that’s exactly what we did. We didn’t have a huge group, only seven in total went; but if you ask me that’s the best way to go! With a big group, it gets crazy and you can’t all grow together; with a small group we all spend time with one another and have more personal moments and discussions.

If you, or your child, or your child’s friend, or your friend that is a Jr. High student, or you bumped into a Jr. high at Wal-Mart and she wasn’t wearing a t-shirt from Believe so she probably didn’t go because if you go to Believe you wear their apparel for weeks afterwards, then they all missed out big time! We will most likely be attending again next year, so if this blog made you really want to go (which it’s supposed to) be sure to sign up in a year!

Posted by Pastor John
FCC Youth Minister