This Sunday we will be collecting donations for the Compassionate Ministry’s Food Pantry. Your donation of non-perishable foods goes a long way in providing nourishment for those in our community who need some extra help. FCC’s Community Outreach Committee has designated the first Sunday of each month as collection Sunday for the Food Pantry. There will be containers …
Tag: giving
Food Pantry Collection Sunday
This Sunday we will be collecting donations for the Compassionate Ministry’s Food Pantry. Your donation of non-perishable foods goes a long way in providing nourishment for those in our community who need some extra help. FCC’s Community Outreach Committee has designated the first Sunday of each month as collection Sunday for the Food Pantry. There will be containers …
HAM LOAF Orders due by March 15th
Orders for the annual Ham Loaf sale by our Disciples Men are due in the church office by next Wednesday, March 15th. These delicious loaves are made from scratch by our men’s group and are available in one-pound and two-pound sizes for $6 and $12. Order forms are available at the sign-up desk or online at Ham …
Food Pantry Donation Sunday
This Sunday we will be collecting donations for the Compassionate Ministry’s Food Pantry. Your donation of non-perishable foods goes a long way in providing nourishment for those in our community who need some extra help. FCC’s Community Outreach Committee has designated the first Sunday of each month as collection Sunday for the Food Pantry. There will be containers …
SOUP-ER Sunday With Our YOUTH!
The FCC Community Outreach Committee has designated the first Sunday of each month as food collection Sunday for our local Compassionate Food Ministry – the Food Pantry! This Sunday, February 5th, is the last day to donate to our drive to collect 100 cans/packages of soup for the Pantry. The conclusion of the drive also …
Food Donations for the Food Pantry
Members and friends are invited to bring soup – cans, boxes, packages – to share with others in our community through the Compassionate Ministry’s Food Pantry. A container will be in the back of the Sanctuary for soup donations through at least February 5th. Please give generously!
Soup Luncheon
All are invited to the annual soup luncheon provided by the Circle of Light. This will feature 10 homemade soups to try and enjoy, from the traditional Potato Soup to the unusual Brett Eldridge Soup. Serving begins at 11:30 this Sunday, January 22nd. The luncheon is on a donation basis with proceeds going to the …
Blanket Sunday Offering
We observed our Blanket Sunday on the 15th to highlight the needs for blankets after tragedies – earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes – to provide shelter, privacy, warmth and more. Each $10.00 provides a blanket, and the offering will continue through January.