Time for Some Personal Inventory
Daily Prayer for Guidance
Oh Lord, my God, thank You for the gift of today. Help me avoid any pitfalls in my path and give me strength to overcome the trials I will face. You are a Good, Good Father and I need You to be with me as I go through this week. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture Reading: Romans 12:1 & 2, 9-21
Click on the above link to read and print a special version of “The Message”
1. What “part” of my life have I kept from God? (verse 1)
2. How is my life different from non-Christians? (verse 2)
3. Starting with verse 9 and continuing through 21, how would you rate yourself in light of these statements?
+ – I’ve got this!
x – Still a work in progress!
o – Am I supposed to be like that?
“I Want to Live Like That” – Sidewalk Prophets
“The Motions” – Matthew West
“Make Me a Blessing”
“O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee”
“Spirit Seed” Suggestions
Pray for your family each day BY NAME.
Stop and speak with someone you normally avoid.
Give a special offering to an “outreach” here in Paris.
Ask God to guide your conversation each time you talk on the phone.
Daily Prayer of Thanksgiving
Precious Lord, thanks for “rocking my boat of self-satisfaction.” I also deeply appreciate that You are my “life guard” and will keep me from drowning in doubt and disappointment. Thank You for never giving up on me! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.