New Worship Schedule

Dear FCC Family,

This has certainly been a year of the unfamiliar, of changes, of making adjustments and we at First Christian Church have been doing our best to roll with all of these.  In the midst of this, our number one priority is serving and worshiping God. We are trying to accommodate all, at least as many as we can, so that everyone can serve and worship safely, comfortably, and wholeheartedly.  In June, we started meeting back together in three separate services.  This caused a whole new set of challenges to “staff” an additional service.  This has grown progressively difficult to do, so we are trying to adjust again to help keep our services running smoothly, while offering a convenient availability to fit our church family.  Some families and visitors have appreciated the evening service, and some families are used to Sunday mornings. 

Therefore, in the midst of this unprecedented time, and after much prayer and discussion, we are going back to two services.  We will have one service at 9:00 AM on Sunday, and to accommodate those who prefer an evening service, we will have a second service at 5:00 PM on Sunday evening.  These changes are temporary and will begin on Sunday, July 12 and go through Sunday, August 30. 

Sunday School classes are welcome to begin again on Sunday, July 12. Individual classes may decide whether they will meet prior to the 9:00 AM service or following.   Please call or email the church office to let us know which service you plan to most regularly attend. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we strive to serve you and the Lord to the best of our ability.


God bless!

Rev. Jamie Kent
Pastor John Snidle
Worship Committee
Chairman of the Board