Handbell Choir Concert

Bells2016_smMark your calendars – this Sunday, April 10th, the Handbell Choirs of First United Methodist Church, Lake Ridge Christian Church and our own Joyful Ringers of FCC will combine their skills to present a joint performance for the Paris community.  Sacred and Secular musical selections will be offered to inspire meditation and lift spirits!  The concert will take place at the Lake Ridge Christian Church Family Life Center at 122 East Steidl Road at 3:00 p.m.  There is no admission charge.  A freewill offering to benefit the Twin Lakes All-Ability Playground will be made available for those attending.  Directors Judy Kelly, Patty Berry and Kathy Peel cordially invite you to attend.  Click HERE for a video preview.

Photos for this post were taken by Kelly Nicholson and provided courtesy of the Paris Beacon-News.  Video by Gary Henry of the Prairie Press, Paris, IL.