If you were moved, inspired or simply enjoyed the sermons presented by our FCC high school seniors on February 5th’s Youth Sunday, you can take pleasure in listening to them again! The messages presented by Erica Buntain, Braden Chittick and Gabbie Waltz, as well as all of Rev. Mike’s and those of FCC’s guest speakers, are available for private listening on the FCC website. Simply go to www.fccparis.org, click on Sermons and search for “Hello, My Name Is . . .” You can even save sermons to your smart phone or computer for offline listening. On your android phone, touch and hold the title of the sermon and then choose “Save link.” The sermon will be downloaded to your phone’s music app. On your computer, right click on the sermon title and choose “Save target as” to choose a save location on your hard drive. Thank you to all of our youth for the inspiring words and actions. To our congregation, please share this special part of worship with family and friends. The link to our youth sermons is http://fccparis.org/download/sermons/2017_02_05_Youth.mp3.