First Christian Church of Paris, IL has been on Facebook for years. We started way back when, under the name everyone knows us as: “Fcc Paris”.
Our first Facebook was started as a “profile” because it allowed us to share more personally with the congregation, and your Facebook information kept us in the know. It’s important for a loving church family to know about things like – what’s going on with the family, who got an award, who’s on vacation, who was in the hospital or might have lost a loved one – stuff families share. However, we were “turned in” to Facebook a year ago for having a “profile” and we were promptly changed to a “page” (which is a more one-sided, business-like entity). However, Facebook, in their haste, failed to attach the required Administrator to the “page” which effectively shut us out of getting on it at all. Even though we’ve sent countless emails (there’s no # or real person to contact – mostly generic auto-answers), Facebook has not resolved the issue.
Rather than lose this active social media, we decided to create a new Facebook “PAGE”! You can find us by typing: @FCCParisIL or under: FCCParis or go here. The old “page” is essentially dead space – we can’t get into it to change or update anything. So, to see the latest activities, to contact us, to add as a friend – go to our new page and like us!
We’re as sorry at the inconvenience as you are, but help us spread the word. Thanks!