Weekly FCC Update for May 14


Please pray for Sue Bennett who is hospitalized in Indianapolis following a lengthy but successful surgery. Also hospitalized in Indianapolis is Ray Coombes, who would appreciate your continued prayers.

Martha Stephen is happy to be home after a stay at the nursing home. Please pray for her continuing recovery and adjustment.

Pray also for Gary Blair and Rev. Mike Dixon, who both have procedures on Monday, for Bob Martin who is recovering at home, and for Raj, Sonnee Thiel’s fiancé, who is improving in a St. Louis rehab facility.

Offering for the week is $5,635.

Notes from Tuesday’s board meeting are available on the website.

Please let the office know if you have a student graduating from 8th grade, high school, or college this year. Phone 466-3255 to talk to Cheryl or leave a message. Office hours are from 9 to 12 and 1 to 3 weekdays.

We are beginning to make plans for the eventual return to sanctuary worship which will likely involve restrictions. We need your input, and we are asking that you complete a survey on the church website, fccparis.org. The survey takes only a few minutes, and can be found by clicking on the “Survey” tab. If you need help, please contact the office for assistance. The survey will only be available through May 22nd.

Please continue to worship on Sunday with us livestream via the website. This week we will be treated to a special music trio by Kristin Chittick, Jessica Hendrickson, and Lied Metcalf. Be sure to tune in.

Mark your calendars also for the 9 am service on the 24th, which will feature our annual Memorial Sunday observance.

You are up-to-date for May 14, 2020. Have a blessed week.