Weekly FCC Update For April 23

Good evening. Here is your Thursday update for April 23rd.

Please continue praying for Sonnee Thiel’s fiancé, Raj, who is improving in St. Louis

Sympathies to Edna Creech and family in the recent loss of her sister, and to Joe Gill and family in his sister’s passing.

Hats Off to Tony Peel, JC Foley, John Sanchez, Pastors Mark and John, and the worship committee for continually working to improve our Sunday worship experience during this time.

Offering total for the week is $2,555. Online giving information is available HERE.

Please plan to worship with us at 9 a.m. on Sunday via radio on FM 91.1 or via livestream through the church website. [As of May 10th FM service is no longer available]

We need your help. In the process of updating the office computer, the list of those who were receiving The Messenger by email was lost. If you were receiving The Messenger by email prior to the quarantine AND you would like to continue to do so, please do the following: Go to the church website, click on “The Messenger” menu, and fill out the short form. If you were receiving The Messenger via postal mail before the quarantine, do not fill out the form. You will continue to receive it that way once the stay-at-home order is lifted.

As always, stay in touch by clicking on the “Subscribe” button at the bottom of any page on the web site.

That’s the news for FCC Paris on April 23, 2020. Have a blessed week!