Weekly FCC Update for April 16

Hello, First Christian Church. Here is your weekly update for April 16th.

Please be praying for the following people:

Raj, Sonnee Thiel’s fiancé, who shows signs of improvement although still in intensive care in St. Louis.

Ray Coombes, who remains hospitalized in Indianapolis due to complications following an extensive surgery.

Carlos and Carlos Jr., two members of Susan King’s family who are hospitalized fighting COVID-19.

Bob Martin, who is home from the hospital.


Joe Gill, for keeping our website current and informative

Tony Peel, J.C. Foley, and John Sanchez for making our live worship broadcast possible, and

Dan Dayton for maintaining our church grounds

Hats off also to all who have continued to support the church with their offerings. Our total for this week is $7394.60. Please keep up the good work! Online giving options are available by clicking HERE.

Please let Rev. Mark know if you are interested in participating in a casual one hour get-together for church family on Zoom.

We need your help. In the process of updating the office computer, the list of those who were receiving The Messenger by email was lost. If you were receiving The Messenger by email prior to the quarantine AND you would like to continue to do so, please do the following: Go to the church website, click on “The Messenger” menu, and fill out the short form. Here’s a shortcut to the form –> GO! If you were receiving The Messenger via postal mail before the quarantine, do not fill out the form. You will continue to receive it that way once the stay-at-home order is lifted.

This Sunday, our worship service will again be broadcast live at 9:00 a.m. on FM 91.1. [Beginning May 10th we will no longer be offering the FM service – Please tune in to our live stream]. Please tune in! If you live more than one mile away, you may need to drive closer to the church in order to hear the service. Regardless of where you park, we remind you to please remain in your car. Also, we are working on a live video feed. We will update Facebook and the FCC homepage when that information is confirmed.

As always, we invite you to click on the “Subscribe” button on the church website to stay current on news and blog entries, including a text version of this auto-call. Look for this at the bottom of any FCC web page:

You are up-to-date for Thursday, April 16th. Have a blessed week!