We are in the midst of something totally unheard of before – in our lifetime. I am sure major outbreaks of diseases long ago had as much impact but few who are still alive today, remember them.
We don’t get to come to church on Sunday morning. Some would say, ‘Ah, a welcomed break.’ Others might say, ‘And I really wanted to get back in church on this Sunday.’ Well, we are trying to determine and create some alternatives to missing church with our beloved congregation. It isn’t something that we have thought about for months or even years; suddenly, we need to do something different.
I am trying to create a sermon video that will be available on the church web site blog each week. That is new for me, as it is for you, but it is a way for you to hear the Word of God. We are still holding Tuesday morning Bible study, even though we are few in number – as it should be.
If you are out running errands in town; feel free to stop by the office to say hello. We both might need someone to talk to. I will gladly pray for you and, if you feel led, can pray for me.
The church is still operating as the church and we need to keep as much normalcy to our routine as possible. Not trying to sound greedy, but if you’ve grown up in church, you’ve been taught that stewardship is part of our Christian heritage. There are ways that you can still support the ministry/mission of our church. You can drop off your offering in the church office or you can make an online payment on the website. Giving to God in this time of need, could be a good thing for you, as well as those who will be blessed by it.
We are trying to come up with some ideas for being the hands and feet of Christ. If we all take a moment to “check-in” on a few of our church family, that would be a good way to stay in touch with each other. Maybe each of you could make it a personal challenge to call and check in on a few of your church family each week – maybe that’s four families or five friends – the number is up to you. What a great way to reach out to one another – just to visit, perhaps to pray together, or even to offer to run an errand if you feel comfortable doing so. That communication would be a great blessing to all of us.