YOUTH SUNDAY will be February 14! That means ONE, combined service at 9:00 AM, where the FCC youth will be in charge of worship. The senior giving the sermon this year will be, Chloe Waltz. Youth of all ages will be filling other worship service positions. Sunday School will meet at 8:00 AM on Feb. …
Tag: Sunday
GET YOUR KIDS INVOLVED AT FCC! Sundays: Sunday School: 9:00 AM ~ Nursery (ages 0-2) & Children’s Church (ages 3,4,5-1st grade) at 10:00 AM Third Sunday of each month: MICE (grades 2-5) activities as announced Wednesdays: God’s Gang (grades K-5) 3:00 PM Crossroads (grades 6-8) 3:00 PM Youth Group (grades 9-12) 6:00 PM EXTRA …
Vacation Bible School is July 31-August 4 beginning at 9:00 AM each day. More information is available here and you may pre-register online or copy the registration and bring it in. After our week of VBS, on August 6, we celebrate with our VBS/Children’s Sunday that includes the VBS kids, songs, and decorations. Join us …
Events in July
JULY 2 – Patriotic Sunday: Join us at 8:00 or 10:00 AM worship as we celebrate our freedom and honor our patriotic heritage because of God’s blessing. Join us for Summer Sunday School at 9:00 AM and pick the video series of your choice. JULY 7 – Come to the “Wining for a Cure” Relay …
Youth Sunday
Our tradition of “Youth Sunday”, worship led by our High School – Jr. High youth will continue on February 5th. There will be one combined service at 10:00 am. The message will feature P.H.S. Seniors Erica Buntain, Braden Chittick, and Gabbie Waltz. Plan on being part of it – to support our youth, and to …
Join us for World Communion Sunday, October 2, as we focus on the unity of shared communion with churches around the world at both the 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM services!
Honeybee Sunday is September 25. We will have our regular 8:00 AM service in the sanctuary, but there is a change in the Community service location this year. The Honeybee Community Worship will also be held here at FCC – at 10:30 AM. That service will be led by Revs. John Youngblood, Laurie Williams, Rodger …
Join us for our memorial observance this Sunday for the 15th anniversary of the “9-11” terrorist attacks and follow-up. The observance at both the 8:00 and 10:00 AM worship services will include history and memories, pictures and prayers, verse and words of tribute, music and message as Sunday’s memorial observance will be both patriotic and …