It will soon be time for Vacation Bible School! Registration is available now here or at the church. “Time Lab” VBS is July 30-August 3 when we’ll discover Jesus from eternity past to eternity future! Come travel with us each day from 9:00-11:30 AM. On Friday we’ll have a picnic following, so we’ll stay until 12:15. …
Tag: August
VBS and the FCC “SUMMER FOOD PROJECT” combined to deliver 450 boxes of saltine crackers, 450 packages of instant potatoes, 450 boxes of raisins and 225 jars of peanut butter to the local food pantry. In addition, the VBS Offering of $1,019.43 will go to the Compassionate Food Ministries to help them purchase additional items. …
While you are setting up your summer schedule – note on your calendar that Vacation Bible School at FCC is August 1-5 from 9:00-11:45 AM each day! VBS is for kids 3 years old through 5th grade. Pre-registration will be available later in July – we’ll let you know – but for now, set aside …