We are asking you to add something to your spiritual life – something new/extra that will allow God to grow you over the next six weeks until Pentecost.
You have already “planted” scriptures in your heart – memorized verses, maybe a Psalm. Some you know because they are lyrics of songs. Probably some are there because you heard them during a sermon and you, like some of us, have said, “This has my name on it!”
So, starting where you are now, are you willing to expose yourself to more of the Bible? There are literally hundreds of ways to accomplish that and here are a few:
Attend Sunday Worship
Attend Sunday School
Go to a Bible Study
Do a Bible Study at home
(we have some in our church library)
Read a Daily Devotional
(hard copy or on phone/computer)
Download a Christian Podcast
Watch a TV Ministry
Read a book about Christian life
(we have some in our church library)
Listen to Christian Radio
Read a chapter of the Bible daily
Expand your mealtime prayer to include Scripture
“Pray” the Psalms
Memorize one verse each week
If you have an idea to share, let us know through the contact page or click here to send us an email.