Important COVID-19 Information

Our church office was notified Monday evening that an individual who was present for the 8 o’clock service the previous day has tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday and was experiencing mild symptoms. Everyone who was sitting within 6 feet of the COVID positive individual during worship has already been personally notified. In accordance with the board approved pandemic safety guidelines, we will worship remotely online for this coming Sunday, October 4th. The online service will live streamed at 9:00 a.m. Regular in person worship services will resume at 8 and 10 on October 11th.

Our sanctuary has and will continue to be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we ensure the safety of our congregation. We also request prayer for all COVID positive individuals, especially those within our church family and prayers for the safety of those potentially exposed. We sincerely thank those who through honesty, communication, and good example look out for the welfare of others. We urge anyone who may be experiencing COVID-19 symptoms to contact his or her physician.

Watch for details in the messenger and on the website this week concerning the October 4th online worship service. Other events will take place as scheduled.