God’s Gang/Crossroads Resumes the 13th

CALLING ALL KIDS! – FCC’s weekly after-school outreach for Kindergarten through 8th-graders resumes on Wednesday, February 13th! God’s Gang is for elementary school youngsters (Kindergarten – 5th-grade) while the Crossroads program is geared for middle school youth (6-8 grades). Both groups meet at 3:30 for a snack and some homework/chill time, then the respective programs engage in their own age-appropriate activities. Crafts and games are a few of the things that God’s Gang does while the Crossroads youth have activities that are both entertaining AND allow them to express their individuality and talents. Emphasis is on learning more about Jesus’s love for us and discovering how to believe in Christ, behave as Christ, and become like Christ.

Each session involves worship, prayer, LOTS of fun and concludes with an amazing dinner where the kids practice using manners, taking turns, and having an enjoyable and meaningful experience at a dinner table. Bus service is available to transport students from their school to FCC. Parents are responsible for picking up their child at 6pm.

A ministry donation of $30 for God’s Gang and $25 for Crossroads covers the whole semester from February 13th through May 8th. The will be no session on spring break Wednesday, April 17th. 

Sign-up registration forms are available at the church or, easier yet, click on the links below for information and to download the registration forms. We hope to see everyone next week!!

God’s Gang Information

God’s Gang Registration Form

Crossroads Information

Crossroads Registration Form