Giving / Advent Devotional

As we enter the month of December the Stewardship & Finance Committee asks you to please consider your Plan of Giving for 2021. Our relationship with God is evident in how we live and how we give. So, we ask you to pray and decide your intended giving for 2021 including any designations. You can access the Plan of Giving for by clicking HERE. Drop off or mail the church copy and keep the other copy for yourself.

Also, if you have not yet filled out the annual volunteer questionnaire, you can access that form by clicking HERE. Please consider how you can use your talents to help and send your form to the church office. 

As we enter the season of Advent, we are once again making the Advent Devotional booklet available. Look for them at the back of the sanctuary or on the small entry table in the hallway. The Advent booklet will also be available online. Click HERE for more information.