First, thank you. We appreciate your support of FCC through your involvement and giving. And we invite you to develop that giving.
If you are aware, you know there’s a lot of darkness in our world. As Christians, we are to counteract that darkness with God’s light. And we can, since “Giving Allows God’s Light To Shine Through Us”.
It shines through what we do, what we send out, what we provide, what we post, what we say. But it’s mostly seen in how we live, and “Giving Means Living The Light Of God”.
One way to live it is to give it. So we challenge you, encourage you, invite you to “Shine God’s Light – By Giving”.
That’s why we are asking you to do two things:
1) Question – Discuss – Pray – Choose and Decide on your intended giving for 2019, including any designations.
2) Fill out – Bring/Send/Turn in your “Plan of Giving” form (available in the office). Some will appreciate and use the place for electronic giving – just check that line and later you can give us the necessary information, or go to here. If you are not ready to designate amounts, please mark the line that you will still be giving.
We will receive and dedicate them with the offering this Sunday, November 18. Copies will be available. You may also turn them in anytime over the next several weeks.
This is not just to meet the budget or only to pay the bills. It is asking you to be faithful to God. Giving will help us to “Live As Children Of The Light”.