Due To Weather, January 13th Services Cancelled

At 7pm Saturday evening, FCC Board chairman Steve Webb reports the following: “Due to the impending inclement weather, tomorrow’s worship services for Sunday, January 13th have been cancelled. Our speaker would have to make the early morning trip from Robinson. He has cancelled. The Weather Service is calling for sleet to move in after this snow and while I agree with a lot of you that I talked to this evening that not having church will throw our week off, I don’t feel it’s worth it to risk anybody getting hurt trying to come to church. I’ve talked with Rick Kennedy, our senior elder, and Youth Pastor John Snidle. We have decided the following; that we will cancel church for tomorrow January the 13th. I want you to know this decision is not made lightly. I hope you all have a blessed weekend and will see you at some point in the future. Thank you very much.”