April 2nd Update

Please remember to pray for those in your Lenten Prayer packets. Please be praying for Dennis Thiel’s son-in-law, Raj, who remains hospitalized. Please also pray for Martha Stephen who is improving at Burnside Nursing Home. Home from the hospital is Bob Martin who we’re told is on the mend.

Offering total for the week was $10,960. Thank you for the outstanding show of support!

Please remember to turn in your CWF Blessing Boxes.

The 24 hour Prayer Vigil is this Saturday and Sunday. Thanks to those who signed up – please remember your times.

Contact Pastor Mark or leave a message on the church answering machine at 217-466-3255 if you’d like to participate in the Palm Sunday Worship service on Zoom.

The Worship Committee is planning a Drive-in Parking Lot Service for us to worship together on Easter Sunday. Make plans to be there at 10:30 a.m. on the 12th.

Stay up-to-date by clicking on the black “subscribe” button at the bottom of this page. That’s the news from First Christian Church for April 2nd.

Have a blessed week.