As we prepare for the birth of the Christ child during this season of Advent, we will be sharing many customs as a church family. This Sunday, November 27th, our traditional Soup Supper and Hanging of the Greens will be complimented with the God’s Gang presentation of “The Christmas Story.” The publication of our annual Advent Devotional, now in its fifteenth year, is also a time-honored tradition that we all look forward to reading. As has become the practice in the past few years, the 2016 Advent Devotional will also be available online but in a new way. The daily devotionals will be published online, one each day in the morning to a special page on our website. If you have subscribed to our blog posts, you will receive an email each morning during Advent inviting you to read the devotion for that day. If you haven’t already subscribed, you can easily do so by going to the very bottom of any page on our website, filling in your email address and clicking/tapping on “subscribe.” If you have a change of heart, unsubscribing is accomplished simply by following the link on the email you receive. Of course, you can easily read the daily devotionals as they are published online by clicking/tapping on Advent Devotional on the main menu above. No matter how you choose to read, whether online or from the booklet available at FCC, we hope that these devotionals will help you to prepare for the true meaning of Christmas.